There are several tweets and posts we come across on social media each day, however, only a few make you laugh and stick around you for a while. This could one such post that stands out and has some sense of humour to lighten your work day. Just like you who’s probably seated in front of a desktop and a keyboard working, a mosquito too ended up on a keyboard, creating some buzz on the internet.

It seemed like the mosquito asked the human using the keyboard to type the letter “V” or remind him about pasting something which he purportedly copied sometime ago. While it isn’t sure what plans the insect had when it rested on the key “V” of the person’s keyboard, the X user suggested “the mosquito sending a tweet.”

The X post which hilariously said to be sent by the mosquito was none other than its own picture of being seated on the computer keys.

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X post attracts more than 3 million views

Being shared online on May 8, the photo has went viral on the microblogging platform. It has undoubtedly won the attention of 3.1 million netizens on X. To the unversed, the post surfaced on the internet as a reply to another. The original post showed an open window and said, “Having doors that open this wide is the best thing ever on a nice day.” Bob’s reply seemed to suggest that keeping windows wide open could welcome mosquitos and pests home.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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