Good—no great—hair shouldn’t cost a thing. Unbelievable but true, you don’t need pricey shampoos and serums for the hair of your dreams. Don’t believe us? Check out these Five easy hair hacks—and cheap—ways of getting the hair of your dreams!

Material required:

Silk / linen scarves 


Halo hair extensions 

Sea salt spray 

Spray bottle 

Apple cider vinegar 

Essential oil 

Coconut oil 

No hair tie: No worries. While there are many ways you can throw your hair back without an elastic, the most on-trend right now, involves silk or linen scarves and kerchiefs. These can be used to create low ponytails, high buns, and if you are a particularly skilled stylist, even braids.

Body boost: Sick of your strands feeling and looking a little limp? Take them from blah to bootylicious in seconds with halo hair extensions. This might be the simplest and sneakiest hair hack yet. Halo hair extensions make even the thinnest strands look thick while adding subtle, or not so subtle length, depending on the look you are after. And best of all? They literally take seconds to put on. No more complicated clips or harmful adhesives. Just, easy, breezy beautiful hair in seconds. 

Beachy braids: We all want beautiful beauty waves minus the effort, of course. So, here is a simple style tip to get salty strands sans seawater. Oh, and did I mention you can also do this one while you sleep? Just spritz your slightly damp locks with some sea-salt spray and braid them before bed. But, if you are in a hurry, you can use the blow drier to create this effortless look instantly.

Frizz control: Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the biggest things to happen to hair hacks since coconut oil. Frizzy hair happens when your hair’s pH is off. ACV contains acetic acid which helps balance your ph, reduce frizz and dryness, and as a bonus, it will also make your locks hella shiny. To avoid smelling like the fish and chip shop, mix two tablespoons of ACV with half a cup of water and an essential oil of your choice. Spray your mane as needed when the frizz flares up for smooth strands.

Oil be there for you: Whether bought over the beauty counter or from the supermarket, oil is a superfood for shiny hair. Oil not only helps smooth frizz but also cleanses your scalp, strengthens your strands, improves the overall quality of your hair, and is way too hydrating. The easiest hair hack is to mix one part coconut oil with three parts water in a spray bottle. That way, you are armed with a shine spray any time your hair lacks lustre.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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