The Dongri Police have initiated legal proceedings following a complaint of fraudulent activity involving a fake gold garland. The accused, identified as Vikas and his comp.on, visited the complainant’s shop under the pretext of buying goods. Vikas claimed to have discovered a gold garland while excavating in Pune and expressed an interest in selling it.

Details of fraud

Upon purchasing spices from the complainant, Vikas presented old coins, which the complainant declined. Vikas insisted on exchanging the coins but claimed to be unfamiliar with the process, citing his occupation as a construction worker. He mentioned finding a gold pearl necklace at the construction site, intending to sell it at a discounted price. To establish trust, Vikas handed over a gem from the necklace for verification, which proved to be authentic gold when examined in Zaveri Bazaar.

Encouraged by the positive test, discussions ensued about purchasing additional garlands. The accused proposed a sale price of Rs 14 lakh for the gold necklace but agreed to an initial payment of Rs 4 lakh, with the remainder to be paid later. The complainant handed over the money, and Vikas and his associate provided the purported gold garland before departing.

Dongri Police registers FIR

Upon reaching a jeweller with the garland, the complainant discovered it was counterfeit. Attempts to contact the accused were futile as their provided mobile number was switched off. Realising he had fallen victim to a scam, the complainant reported the incident to Dongri Police, leading to the registration of an FIR and the commencement of an investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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