Vastu Plants for Home: Positive and negative energy have special importance in Vastu Shastra. In such a situation, everything kept in the house has an impact on a person’s life. In Vastu, a special direction has been given to keep everything including trees and plants. If these rules of Vaastu are not followed then the members of the house have to suffer its negative effects. According to Vastu Shastra, some trees and plants should not be planted in the house even by mistake. Planting this plant brings bad luck and poverty in the house. Let us know which trees and plants should not be planted in the house even by mistake.

Do not plant this plant or tree in your home even by mistake

One should not plant a palm tree in the courtyard of the house even by mistake. It is considered inauspicious. This tree looks very beautiful but it is believed that planting it increases the debt of the family members.

According to Vastu Shastra, tamarind tree should not be planted in the house, it brings negativity in the house. By applying this, there is always an atmosphere of fear and dread in the house. Therefore it should not be planted in the courtyard of the house.


Peepal tree should not be planted in the house. According to Vastu, applying it brings negative energy into the house. If Peepal plant grows on the wall or in any corner of the house, it should be removed.

If any tree or plant in the house is drying, it is better to remove it. According to Vastu, dry trees and plants bring sadness in the house and keeping them increases negativity in the house.

Keeping bonsai plants for home decoration has become popular nowadays. These plants are undoubtedly beautiful to look at but keeping them indoors has a negative impact and hinders progress.

It is believed that the mehendi plant also has negative powers and installing this plant in the house spreads negative energy. This plant disturbs the peace of the house.

According to the scriptures, planting an acacia plant in the house increases disputes. Due to which family members start becoming mentally ill. Its presence around the house is also considered inauspicious.

According to Vastu Shastra, thorny plants should never be planted in and around the house. Due to which there is an atmosphere of tension in the house. Such plants also work to increase mutual differences. Many times people plant these plants unknowingly, which later cause destruction.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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