Conjunction of three planets in Taurus in May 2024: According to astrology, Jupiter is transiting in Taurus after 12 years. So on May 14, Sun, the king of the planets, is going to enter Taurus. And then on May 19, Venus will enter Taurus. Due to which Trigrahi Yoga is being formed on 19th May. The effect of this yoga will be seen on people of every zodiac sign. But these 3 zodiac signs are such whose luck is about to change. Understand that their destiny is to shine. With this, people will see progress in career and business employment. Let us know which are these 3 lucky zodiac signs.


Trigrahi Yoga can prove beneficial for people of this zodiac sign. Because this yoga is being formed in the marriage house of your zodiac sign. So your personality will improve at this time. You will also get success in the plans that you have been thinking about for some time. During this period, you will benefit in money, business, property and family matters. You are likely to purchase a property or vehicle during this period. Also, your married life will also be good during this period. Also, your partner may also progress during this period.


Trigrahi Yoga can prove to be very auspicious for Scorpio people. Because this yoga is going to be formed in the seventh house of your transit horoscope. So during this time you can get benefits in partnership work. Apart from this, you will get full support and financial benefits from your family members in every work. Especially during this period, there are chances that you may inherit ancestral property. Also unmarried people may get marriage proposals. Also, people can also get promotion while working.


Trigrahi Yoga can prove beneficial for Capricorn people. Because this yoga is going to be formed in the fifth house of your transit horoscope. So during this time you may get some good news about your child. The ninth aspect of Jupiter is falling on your zodiac sign. Therefore, employed people are likely to get promotion during this period, and may also get a good salary increase. Also, during this period you can also travel within the country and abroad. You can also participate in any religious or auspicious event.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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