According to astrologers, the beginning of the month of December 2024 is tremendous in terms of planetary movements. On December 2, planets like Venus, Ketu and Sun have changed their movements, while on December 4, two of the four major planets are making two fruitful conjunctions in the same day. These planets are Mercury-Jupiter and Sun-Saturn, which are considered to be the most powerful planets in Vedic astrology.
4 Influence of a major planet
According to Drik Panchang, on one hand, Sun and Saturn are forming Samasaptak Yoga by being situated at 180 degrees, while on the other hand, Sun and Saturn are forming Kendra Drishti Yoga by being situated at 90 degrees from each other. According to astrology, the fortunes of 3 zodiac signs can shine due to the movement of these four planets. Let us know which are these 3 lucky zodiac signs?
This time can be auspicious for Aries people. There is a possibility of advancement in job. There will be new opportunities and respect in the workplace will increase. Business will increase and new customers will be found. Investment is likely to be profitable. Family life will be happy. Relationship with spouse will be cordial and children’s career will be good. Health will be good.
This time will bring increase in luck and prosperity for Gemini people. You will get success in every work. There will be stability in job and income will increase. There is a possibility of getting a new post or responsibility. Business will expand and new partners may be found. New sources of economic benefits will open. There will be an increase in wealth. Family life will be happy and you will get blessings from parents. Health will be good and mind will be happy.
For Cancerians, this is the time for harmony and balance between destiny and karma. You will get new energy and all the work of your mind will be completed. There is a possibility of getting promotion in job. Respect will increase at the workplace. There may be sudden monetary gains, such as a bonus or prize. family life will be happy