In astrology, along with the transit of planets, their direction or condition also has special importance. Among the nine planets, there are some planets which move in the opposite direction instead of their normal direction. When a planet is retrograde in its exalted sign, it has an inauspicious effect on the zodiac sign. When a planet transits in its lowest sign, it has an auspicious effect on people. In the year 2025, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will be retrograde, due to which some zodiac signs are likely to benefit. Let us know on which day and at what time next year these 4 planets will move in a zigzag manner.
When will the planets become retrograde or retrograde?
Venus Transit 2 March 2025, Sunday 06:04 am
Mercury retrograde – 15 March 2025, Saturday 12:15 pm
Shani Margi- 13 July 2025, Sunday 09:36 am
Guru Margi- 11 November 2025, Tuesday late night at 10:11 pm
These 3 zodiac signs will get special benefits!
The new year will be memorable for Aries people. Those who have been working for a long time, their salary is likely to increase. The work of businessmen will progress double by leaps and bounds. A shopkeeper’s dream of buying a shop may be fulfilled in the new year. Health will remain good for the next few months.
With the special blessings of the nine planets, there will be happiness in the lives of people with Cancer zodiac sign. Businessmen will benefit greatly. People who are suffering from any disease for a long time are likely to see improvement in their health. Family life will be happy in the new year.
The year 2025 is going to be very special for the people of this zodiac sign. Due to the special grace and luck of the nine planets, any old wish can be fulfilled. From 2025, any businessman will be able to buy a house in his own name. There is a strong possibility of buying a shop in the horoscope of shopkeepers. Health will be good in the new year.