According to Vedic astrology, when two planets are situated in the sixth and eighth house from each other, then Shadashtak Yoga is formed due to the planetary transit. This special yoga is being formed between the Sun and Jupiter on January 3, 2025. Generally, this yoga has auspicious and inauspicious effects in different areas of life, but according to astrologers, the Sun-Jupiter Shadashtak Yoga formed on January 3 in the year 2025 will bring auspicious effects for 3 zodiac signs. This yoga will bring positive changes in their life in terms of wealth, prosperity, career and relationships.


Effect of Sun-Jupiter Shadashtak Yoga on zodiac sign

According to Vedic astrology calculations, from the morning of Friday, January 3, 2025, Sun and Jupiter will be located in the sixth and eighth houses from each other and will form Shadashtak Yoga. Let us tell you that according to the mathematical calculations of astrology, this yoga occurs when two planets are located at 150 and 210 degrees from each other. According to astrologers, this special Shadashtak Yoga of Sun-Jupiter will bring many auspicious changes in the lives of people of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius zodiac signs. People of this zodiac sign will achieve new heights in financial, career and personal life.


Shadashtak Yoga of Sun and Jupiter will increase wealth and prosperity. The influence of Sun and Jupiter will give you confidence and decision making ability. Due to the effect of this yoga, your financial position can become stronger. You will get profit in investment and business. Stuck money can be recovered. There will be new opportunities in career. Leadership ability will increase. Employed people may get promotion or new responsibility. People associated with teaching and counseling will get special success.


For people of Leo zodiac, the Shadashtak Yoga of Sun-Jupiter will increase respect and social prestige. There will be balance between career and personal life. This combination will bring progress in money related matters. There will be profit from stock market and property. There will be expansion in business. You will get appreciation from higher officials at the workplace. You will achieve success with confidence and leadership skills.


For Sagittarius people, the Sun-Jupiter Shadashtak Yoga will improve their leadership skills. You will be full of positive energy. Which will strengthen your image at the workplace. Due to the influence of Jupiter, new sources of income will open. You will get freedom from debt. There will be financial benefits from traveling abroad. You may get a new job offer. Students will achieve excellence in education. Guru’s blessings will pave the way for success. It is a good time to start new plans in business.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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