Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who made his podcast debut by appearing on Zerodha founder Nikhil Kamath’s ‘People’ series this afternoon, spoke on topics ranging from his childhood, education, work, and more.
A clip of the interview has been widely shared on social media in which PM Modi can be heard addressing a question about sporadic memes featuring him and his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni.
In the clip, Kamath smilingly asks PM Modi, “My favorite food is pizza. And pizza is from Italy. And people say you know a lot about Italy… Would you like to say something about that?”
The Zerodha billionaire then openly asks PM Modi about the memes.
Zerodha’s co-founder made a reference to the popular ‘Melodi’ social media memes that often highlight the chemistry between Prime Minister Modi and his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni.
The Prime Minister directly addressed the question, dismissing it by saying he doesn’t spend time focusing on such matters.
Watch the video here:
Shifting the conversation to cuisine, which was Kamath’s original approach to discussing Italy, PM Modi revealed his straightforward relationship with food. He explained that he’s not particularly passionate about food, which actually helps him appreciate whatever he’s served during his international visits.
The Prime Minister further shared that he would struggle to make selections from a restaurant menu if given the choice. When Kamath inquired about the possibility of Modi visiting a restaurant, the Prime Minister acknowledged that such visits haven’t been possible for him in many years due to his position.