Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelanski has said that the economic agreement is designed with the US, but the US security guarantee is yet to be decided, which is considered important for the Kiev in the war with Russia. He said that the full agreement will depend on the talks to be held in Washington on Friday. US President Donald Trump has said that Zelanski will visit the US on Friday to sign an important mineral agreement.

What did Zelanceci say before going to America?

Zelansky said in a press conference in Kiev that the outline agreement that has agreed is an early step towards a comprehensive agreement, which would be required to be approved by the Ukraine’s Parliament. Zelancesi said that Ukraine must first know where the US stands in terms of its continuous military support. He said that he hopes for extensive conversation with US President Donald Trump during his visit to Washington. He said, “This economic agreement may be part of the future security guarantee, but I want to understand a wide perspective.”

‘Conversation with Trump is important’

The Ukrainian President said, “This agreement can either be very successful or break in a peaceful manner,” I believe the success depends on our conversation with President Trump. I want to coordinate with America. ” He said that the main topic he wants to discuss with Trump is whether the US is planning to stop military aid and if so, will Ukraine be able to buy weapons directly from the US. He also wants to know if Ukraine can use frozen Russian properties for purchasing and investment of weapons and whether Washington is planning to lift the ban on Russia.

Trump had a condition.

It is worth noting that after assuming the presidency last month, Trump told Ukraine that he wanted something in exchange for billions of dollars from the US. The agreement viewed by the Associated Press states that the US “supports Ukraine’s efforts to obtain the necessary security guarantee to establish permanent peace.” A White House official reiterated on Wednesday that Trump’s meeting with Zelanski was an essential condition to accept the agreement. The crook is trapped in Zelansky’s trap, and now he has such a situation that he can neither swallow nor spew.

What did the Prime Minister of Ukraine say?

Ukrainian Prime Minister Dennis Shamyahal has confirmed that Ukraine and America have agreed to a comprehensive economic agreement, including the US access to Rare minerals of Ukraine. According to him, the agreement set the conditions of the investment fund for reconstruction of Ukraine.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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