Yusuf Ibrahim, who ensures the security of Bollywood stars, shared many interesting stories in a recent interview. The most special among these was Shahrukh Khan’s visit to Ajmer Sharif Dargah and the experience during Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. The incident during Shahrukh Khan’s Dargah visit was very special and challenging.
Shahrukh Khan’s visit to Ajmer Sharif Dargah
Security expert Yusuf Ibrahim said that this incident happened when Shahrukh Khan expressed his desire to visit Ajmer Sharif Dargah during the IPL. He said,
“We probably chose the wrong day and time to visit the dargah. It was a Friday, which is already extremely busy. At that time it was around 12:30, which was the peak time of Namaz. At least 10,000 to 15,000 people are present at Ajmer Sharif Dargah on Friday.”
Shahrukh surrounded by crowd, difficult to reach Dargah
Yusuf told that the news of Shahrukh Khan’s arrival in Ajmer had already spread, due to which the crowd gathered. Yusuf said,
“The whole of Ajmer knew that Shahrukh Khan was coming to the Dargah. People gathered in such large numbers that even we ourselves were surprised. When we reached the Dargah, the crowd pushed us inside the Dargah and then took us to the vehicle in the same manner. It was a very difficult experience.”
Police had to resort to lathi charge
Yusuf told that the crowd to see Shahrukh Khan had become so uncontrollable that the police had to resort to lathicharge to control the situation.
“The atmosphere there was very crazy. The fans were trying to get close to him so fast that the police had to take strict action to control them.”
Shahrukh’s calm and cool nature
Shahrukh Khan’s nature impressed everyone in this entire incident. Yusuf said,
“Shah Rukh sir maintained his composure throughout the situation. He was absolutely calm and cool. He did not get angry at anyone. He knew it was no one’s fault. Neither the staff nor the fans. It was just the enthusiasm of his fans. This nature of his attracts everyone.”
Story of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s marriage
Apart from Shahrukh’s Dargah visit, Yusuf also shared a funny anecdote related to Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. This wedding was one of the most awaited weddings of Bollywood.
Yusuf told that everything regarding the security of the marriage was kept very confidential. Every possible arrangement was made during the program so that there was no excessive interference from fans and media.
He said,
“We had made very tight security arrangements to protect Alia and Ranbir’s wedding from the media. Every guest was checked and phones were not allowed. It was our priority to ensure that the wedding took place in a completely private and peaceful manner.”
Security a challenging task for Bollywood stars
Yusuf Ibrahim’s experiences show that ensuring security for Bollywood stars is a very challenging task. The passion of the fans and their crowded presence sometimes makes the situation out of control. However, the calm and positive attitude of the stars sometimes makes these situations comfortable.