Malkajgiri (Telangana), January 27: In a shocking incident, a man was caught on camera while attempting suicide by jumping in front of moving truck in Telangana’s Medchal. The truck driver was lucky as the incident was caught on the CCTV camera installed in the area. If the individual’s suicide attempt would not have got caught on camera, the truck driver would have been blamed for the accident.
The video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. Luckily, the man who attempted suicide is safe and receiving treatment for his injuries. However, the man is said to be in critical condition.
As per reports, the tragic incident occurred in the Medchal Police Station area, where the man attempted suicide by falling under the lorry. The video of the incident is going viral on social media and the video shows that the incident occurred on Sunday (January 26) at around 1.30 AM in the night.
There are many people present on the spot where the incident occurred. It can be seen in the video that the man with the motive of ending his life, crosses the road, where there is heavy traffic, and jumps in front of a moving truck.
The truck driver fails to notice the man and runs the truck over him. The people present on the spot witness incident and rush to help the man who was stuck beneath the truck. The man suffered serious injuries as the truck ran over him. They reportedly rushed him to a nearby hospital where he is receiving treatment for his injuries.
According to reports, the man crossed the road and deliberately went under the moving lorry. The shocking act was captured on CCTV cameras in the area.
The police have registered a case and started an investigation into the matter. The man’s condition is reported to be critical, and he is currently receiving medical treatment.
The reason behind the man taking the extreme step is not known yet. However, the police is trying to find out the exact reason behind the man attempting suicide.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helplines |