Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve officials are preparing to shift a young rescued tiger to Satpura reserve. The necessary permission for its translocation has been received from Chief Wildlife warden and later this week, the big cat will be shifted to its new home.

The deputy director Prakash Kumar Verma said that a four-and- -half-year-old tiger is likely to be sent to Satpura tiger reserve within three to four days. The totally wild tiger, though of sky nature, was rescued from Tala range and kept in an enclosure.

The officer informed that before being rescued, the tiger was with its mother and used to loiter in the area adjoining the villages, mostly preying on the cattle and were spotted in the conflict zone.

Often the tigresses and its cub used to sit in the nullah and even had targeted villagers at a few occasions. One person had died in their attack. But there was no direct evidence that the tiger cub had also actively participated in killing of the villager, the official clarified. As villagers started to raise their voice against their movement, the tiger was rescued and housed in an enclosure. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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