Mumbai, January 30: In a shocking incident, a man was caught on camera raping a stray dog late at night on the skywalk at Borivali Railway Station in Mumbai. The cruel act of the accused was captured on video and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the young man is engaging in the brutal act of animal cruelty on the deserted flyover.
As per reports, the incident occurred on Wednesday (January 29) on the Borivali Station flyover. The video shows that a man is walking on the bridge while recording, suddenly he comes across a man who is sexually assaulting a stray dog in the open. The man who is recording the video can be seen confronting the accused while he was raping the dog. He asked the accused in the video “Kya kar raha hai?” (What are you doing?).
The accused then immediately stood up and started walking away. The person who was recording the video followed him for some distance while questioning him about his evil act and the video ends as the accused walks away from the camera.
The video was shared by an animal activist account “StreetdogsofBombay” on Instagram. The video was shared on social media with the caption, “On January 29, 2025, around 3 AM , a heartbreaking case of animal cruelty took place near Borivali Station flyover, Mumbai , where a helpless dog was subjected to unimaginable abuse. Such cruelty has no place in our society , and we must ensure the culprit is held accountable.”
The post further read, “We need your help! If you have any information about this incident, please come forward. Together, we can stand against animal abuse and work towards a safer world for all beings. Speak up, spread awareness, and help us ensure justice is served! If you have any leads, please contact us.”
The video was shared on social media, demanding justice for the innocent animal. Animal lovers and activists are calling for strict action against the man involved in the indecent act with the innocent animal.