Mirzapur, January 14: In a shocking incident, a young girl brutally thrashed and verbally abused an auto driver after he allegedly asked her for the fare in Uttar Pradesh’s Mirzapur. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that girl is slapping, pulling and pushing the auto driver inside and out of the autorickshaw while abusing him in full public view. The auto driver, visibly upset, was seen apologising with folded hands during the altercation.
About The Viral Video
The incident occurred in the area which falls under the Katra Police Station in broad daylight. The girl thrashed the auto driver while the driver was urging her with folded hands to let him go, however, the girl did not stop and kept on beating him. She also recorded the entire incident and shared the video on social media, which quickly went viral.
As per reports, the girl created a scene in the middle of the road as the auto driver allegedly asked her to pay up the fare for his auto. However, the girl refused to pay up and also thrashed the auto driver in front of the crowd and also made the video viral on social media.
Police Response & Action
Initially, the local police refused to take action without a formal written complaint. However, once the auto driver lodged a complaint, the police registered a case under relevant sections at the Katra Police Station. They have assured that further investigations are underway to resolve the matter.
The police reacted to the viral video and said, “In the referenced case, on the basis of the complaint of the plaintiff, a case has been registered under relevant sections at Police Station Katra and further investigation action is being taken”.
Social Media Reacts
The incident has raised questions about public behaviour and the misuse of social media. Many users criticised the girl’s actions, stating that recording and sharing such incidents can harm reputations unnecessarily. Others called for a thorough investigation to understand the full context of the dispute.
One of the users demanded strict action against the girl thrashing the auto driver. The user commented, “If the girl has misbehaved with the poor auto driver, she should definitely be punished.” Another user said, “This girl should be sent to jail immediately.”
The police are now reviewing the video and other evidence to determine the next course of action.