Vitamin B12 is very important for our body. This vitamin helps in the formation of red blood cells in our body and helps the nervous system to function correctly. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause many problems related to fatigue, weakness, hair loss and brain.

Dr. Deeksha Katiyar, homeopathic specialist of V V Clinic in Kanpur, says that most people are seen to have this vitamin deficiency. Especially, people eating vegetarian food are more likely to lack this vitamin. But this deficiency can be overcome with the right food and supplements. Apart from this, the expert has also talked about small aspects related to Vitamin B12.

Due to deficiency of vitamin B12

The main reason for the deficiency of vitamin B12 is not being able to be absorbed properly in the body. Apart from this, its lack in our diet also causes vitamin B12 deficiency. In such a situation, keep in mind that the diet you take daily should include such things that fulfill this vitamin deficiency.

Take care of digestion too

Since vitamin B12 is absorbed into the small intestine, keep your digestion fine. Due to poor digestion, it is not absorbed properly in the body. Avoid problems like acidity, constipation or indigestion. Do not eat junk food and drink sufficient amount of water.

Control stress

Experts say that if you manage stress then the balance of vitamin B12 will also remain. Due to stress, this vitamin is not used properly in the body. In such a situation, you should do yoga or meditation at least 30 minutes daily.

Vitamin B12 diet

Dr. Deeksha Katiyar says that add dairy products like milk, curd, cheese in your food. Also eat fortified grains or plant based items.

Talk to homeopathic specialist

If there is a lot of deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body, then consult a good homeopathic specialist. Experts can give you supplements according to the need of your body.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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