After the Gabba Test was drawn, Team India’s fans got a big shock when off-spinner R Ashwin announced his retirement. As soon as the Gabba Test ended, Ashwin announced his retirement from international cricket. After announcing his retirement, Ashwin came to the press conference with captain Rohit Sharma to make the official announcement. After this, something happened with Rohit Sharma in the press conference which is being discussed everywhere. Actually, in the press conference, Rohit Sharma was asked that Pujara, Rahane and Ashwin will now be seen in other roles, on this Rohit Sharma said – Hey brother, you guys are going to kill me. Know why Rohit said this?
You guys will kill me…!
As soon as Rohit Sharma was asked about Ashwin, Pujara and Rahane, he said, ‘Hey brother, Ashwin has just announced his retirement. You guys are going to kill me. Rahane-Pujara both are playing right now. If he plays well he can come into the team. After this statement of Rohit, everyone started laughing in the press conference. Rohit was also asked whether there could be any other surprise on this tour, to which the Indian captain said- No. nothing at the moment.
Rohit-Virat will also retire?
There is speculation that if Team India does not win the series against Australia or does not reach the final of the World Test Championship, then Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma can also say goodbye to the Test format. Both are in very bad form. Virat still scored a century in Perth but Rohit’s condition has been bad for a long time. Now it remains to be seen what happens in Melbourne and Sydney.
India still has a chance to reach the final
The Perth Test was a draw but Team India still has a chance to reach the final. Team India will have to win the Melbourne and Sydney Tests at any cost. It remains to be seen how the point table of the World Test Championship will be. Let us tell you that at present Team India is at third position in the point table. Australia is at second place and South Africa is at first place.