Fatehpur. The administration took strict action in the name of removing encroachment in Fatehpur district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. The rear part of Noori Jama Masjid located in Sadar Bazaar of Lalauli town was demolished with a bulldozer. This action was led by ADM Avinash Tripathi and ASP Vijayshankar Mishra. Heavy deployment of PAC and RAF was made to maintain law and order.

Notice was given for drain construction

Actually, Noori Jama Masjid had come under the attack of encroachment. During the drain construction work, the PWD department had issued a notice to the mosque committee on 24 September 2024. In the notice, instructions were given to remove the encroachment. After this order, the Mosque Committee had asked for one month’s time to remove the encroachment.

Apart from the mosque, 133 houses and shops were also found involved in encroachment in the survey. The administration took action to demolish the rear part of the mosque after the stipulated deadline.

Heavy security forces present during the operation

The administrative team reached the spot on Tuesday morning. Under the leadership of ADM and ASP, bulldozers demolished the rear part of the mosque. PAC and RAF personnel remained deployed for security. The Revenue Department team was also present. ASP Vijayshankar Mishra told that, “Peacekeeping is completely under control. “Action is being taken only to remove encroachment.”

Mosque committee expressed protest

Seyyed Noori, Secretary of Noori Jama Masjid Committee, protested against this action. They said that, “We had filed a writ in the Allahabad High Court against this notice. The case was to be heard on December 13, but the administration demolished part of the mosque before that. This is a violation of the court order.”

Bulldozer was run in Kanpur also

Earlier in Kanpur also, the administration had taken strict action against encroachment. KDA (Kanpur Development Authority) squad removed illegal encroachments in Gangaganj Panki and Shatabdi Nagar. During this period, 27 illegal constructions were demolished and trees on the plots were also cut. Some people protested, but KDA officials clarified that they had the approval of the forest department.

On the instructions of KDA Vice President Madan Singh Garbyal, this campaign was conducted under the leadership of Special Officer Dr. Ravi Pratap Singh. The team of Assistant Engineers Nitin Bhardwaj and Sudhanshu Srivastava and Junior Engineer CB Pandey demolished encroachment for one kilometer on both sides of the 24 meter wide road.

Stern warning

Officials warned that legal action would be taken against those trying to retake possession once removed. Strict action will be taken by registering a case against them.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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