The Uttar Pradesh government has given another chance to 2.44 lakh employees who have not given the details of their property. The government has given time to the employees and asked them to submit the details of their property. Earlier, the government had said that the salary of August will be withheld. But the employees had asked for time. After which the government has extended the time.
Earlier, the Chief Secretary had directed to provide details of movable and immovable assets on the Manav Sampada portal by August 31 at any cost. By the stipulated date, only 71 percent of the state government employees had disclosed their assets. Whereas 2.44 lakh employees had not given the details of their assets.
Details sought from the employees of these departments
The UP government has not yet stopped the salary of the employees who have not given the details of their property. However, if the employees do not give the details of their property by the stipulated time, then their salary will be stopped. The employees themselves will be responsible for such a situation.
According to the data, there are a total of 846640 state employees in the state. Out of these, only 602075 have given details of movable and immovable assets on the Manav Sampada portal. The departments that have given details include Textiles, Sainik Welfare, Energy, Sports, Agriculture and Women Welfare Department, Basic Education, Higher Education, Medical Health, Industrial Development and Revenue Department.
Letter sent by DGP Headquarters
The DGP headquarters had sent a letter to the appointment department requesting to give some extra time to its personnel to submit the property details. The letter said that due to festivals and police recruitment examination, many policemen were not able to submit their property details on time.
In this regard, Chief Secretary Manoj Singh said that the employees who have not yet submitted the details of their assets have been given additional time and their salary has also not been stopped. Different dates have been fixed for the employees of different departments.