Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Marriage Grant Scheme It has been decided to re-implement it. This scheme will now also be available to daughters of general and Scheduled Caste (SC) poor families. The scheme, which was discontinued four years ago, will restart from next week. Under this, the daughter’s family will get a grant of ₹ 20,000 on personal marriage.
Extension of the scheme: All sections will get benefits
Till now this scheme was limited only to backward class (OBC) families. But now it has been implemented for General and SC category also. The state government for this Budget of ₹30 crore have set:
- For SC Category: ₹20 crore
- For General Category: ₹10 crore
This step has been taken to provide financial assistance to the weaker sections of the society and reduce the marriage expenses of their daughters.
Previous status and new changes
In August 2022, the Social Welfare Department had discontinued the marriage grant scheme for daughters of SC and general category. The department also removed it from the portal, due to which applications for these categories were closed. At that time this scheme was open only for OBC category.
Now Yogi government has decided to restart it. With this, all eligible families can apply for the marriage of their daughters.
How to apply?
The Social Welfare Department has issued a notice for the scheme. new website Is made. After completing the application process and eligibility, the grant amount will be transferred directly to the beneficiary’s account.
Required Eligibility:
- age of girl 18 years and age of the boy 21 years There should be.
- family income:
- For rural areas: Not more than ₹46,080 per annum.
- For urban areas: Not to exceed ₹56,476 per annum.
- It is mandatory to upload all the required documents along with the application.
Different from mass marriage plan
General and SC category families till now mass marriage plan Were taking advantage of. Under this, the government used to give a grant of ₹ 51,000 per family. But now these families Chief Minister Marriage Grant Scheme Has also been included in. This scheme is for individual marriages and is being seen as a separate benefit.
purpose of government
The objective of the Chief Minister Marriage Grant Scheme is to provide assistance to the economically weaker sections of the society. Through this, the burden on poor families regarding the expenses of daughters’ marriage will be reduced.
Main facts related to grant
- An amount of ₹20,000 will be directly transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary.
- This scheme will be given as financial assistance for the marriage expenses of daughters.
- Apart from the mass marriage scheme, this benefit will also be applicable in individual marriages.