Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday inaugurated the Elephant Rescue Center and Butterfly Garden at Shaheed Ashfaq Ullah Khan Zoological Park. Along with this, he stressed on environmental protection and maintaining sensitivity towards wildlife. On this occasion, he planted saplings and fed sugarcane, banana, jaggery and gram to the elephants and rhinos (Hara and Gauri).
Emphasis on sensitivity towards environment and animals
The Chief Minister said that animals also have feelings. If they are treated well, they want to get close to humans. Balance can be maintained by sensitivity towards the environment and wildlife. He said that if we remain friendly with nature, the environment will also provide us with a pure environment.
100 crore plantation and increase in forest cover
The Chief Minister said that in the last seven-eight years, more than 100 crore saplings have been planted in the state, due to which the forest cover of Uttar Pradesh has increased. He also discussed the establishment of Jatayu Conservation Center and the proposed Horticulture and Forestry University at Campierganj.
Tips for environmental protection
The Chief Minister advised the new generation to understand the importance of environment and avoid harmful factors for the environment. He said:
- Single-use plastic: Stop using it.
- Plantation: Every person should plant at least 10 trees every year.
- Water Conservation: Adopt rain water harvesting and avoid wastage of water.
Other major events
Many dignitaries including Minister of State for Forest-Environment Dr. Arun Kumar Saxena, MP Ravi Kishan, Mayor Dr. Manglesh Srivastava were present in the program. During this, the students of NPA Academy presented their portrait to the Chief Minister.
The Chief Minister described the Butterfly Garden and Elephant Rescue Center as an important step towards environmental protection and appealed to further promote such efforts in the state.