Yoga for Sleep: Through these yogasanas, you can not only get a good sleep at night but can also keep your body and mind calm and healthy.

In today’s busy life, sleeplessness has become a common problem. Stress, irregular lifestyle and eating late at night, all these reasons disturb night sleep.

But, if you do some easy yogasanas after dinner, you can easily experience peaceful and deep sleep. Let’s know about those 5 yogasanas, which you can adopt after dinner to get better sleep-



Shavasana provides deep peace to the body and mind. It helps reduce insomnia and anxiety, helping you get a good night’s sleep.



Pavanamuktasana helps improve the digestion process and relieve stomach problems. It helps in getting a good sleep at night as it reduces gas and stomach discomfort.


Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Balasana helps to reduce stress and calm the body. This asana not only provides mental peace but also relaxes your muscles, which leads to better sleep.


Viparitakar. Asana helps to improve blood circulation and reduce stress. This asana calms the nervous system and improves sleep.

bridge posture

Setubandha Asana helps in reducing body tension and relaxing the lower back. This asana improves blood circulation and Calms the mind which helps in getting good sleep.

keep this in mind

These yogasanas should be done 30 minutes after dinner. Do these asanas slowly and carefully. If you have any health problem or feel pain, consult a doctor before doing yogasanas.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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