Amid speculations of contesting the Haryana assembly elections and joining the Congress, female wrestler Vinesh Phogat has resigned from her railway job. Vinesh Phogat has given this information by tweeting. She further said, ‘Serving in the Indian Railways has been a memorable and proud time of my life. At this juncture of my life, I have decided to separate myself from the railway service and have submitted my resignation to the competent authorities of the Indian Railways. I will always be grateful to the Indian Railways family for the opportunity the Railways has given me to serve the country.
As soon as the election bugle sounded in Haryana after returning from the Olympics, discussions started about Vinesh Phogat’s political career. Meanwhile, she also met Rahul Gandhi along with Bajrang Punia. It is being told that Vinesh Phogat may join Congress in Delhi on Friday. It is believed that she can contest elections from Charkhi Dadri, Badhra and Jind Julana.
Let us tell you that on September 4, Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia met Rahul Gandhi in Delhi and discussed political possibilities. After meeting Rahul Gandhi, they also met Congress National General Secretary KC Venugopal. Congress did not give any information about what was discussed in this meeting.