If you think food is life, then you are very much wrong. The one thing that will keep you going more than food is water. Plain old water is the elixir of life. It is safe to say that water means life. March 22 is World Water Day. There is a need to discuss why including the right amount of water intake is essential for your physical and mental well-being. There is a whole Ayurvedic reasoning behind it.

What About Water?

When you do not consume water, it harms your body. Digestion gets affected. Brain function becomes an issue. Frequent headaches and lack of concentration become problematic. You feel tired. Your skin becomes dehydrated. Energy levels go down. Fatigue creeps in. Dehydration is also another side effect. Urination troubles start when the body is using the water retained. The colour becomes darker and foul-smelling due to the toxins. Less water results in less saliva production. It can mean bad breath. 

Ayurveda suggests the right way to drink water. Drink while sitting down since your nervous system is calmer and helps the water and food get digested better. Try taking small sips instead of gulping. It helps the water to reach all organs and body parts easily and helping them. The water should be at room temperature or slightly warm for digestion. Do not drink when not thirsty. 

4 Ayurvedic Benefits of Drinking Water

1. Body Fluids Balance: Drink adequate amounts of water to ensure that 60% of your body fluids function properly. This will ensure that functions like digestion, saliva creation, nutrient inclusion, and more continue working properly. 

2. Temperature Control: Your body temperature should be at a certain level to function. Exercise, daily work, sun, and other activities deplete your body from its temperature. Drinking adequate water or healthy fluids helps you keep that temperature in check. 

3. Digestive Health: As mentioned earlier, lack of water impacts digestion. You might face constipation and other digestive troubles. Consuming the right amount of water allows your body to digest food and proper bowel function.

4. Urinary and Other Health: Urinary issues like kidney stones occur due to less water intake. Water intakes keep your kidney and urinary tract healthy. Your mind and joints function without much trouble. 

You can trust Patanjali to bring products that help your daily water intake. You can include an Orange Aloe Chunk Drink (200 Ml). It brings in the benefits of aloe vera and orange through the drink. Refresh yourself with Patanjali Gulab Sharbat (750 Ml). Consume by mixing in water. The natural rose petals help with dehydration and digestive troubles. Or use Patanjali Tulsi Panchang Juice (500 Ml). Mix it in water. This Ayurvedic medicine provides the benefits of Tulsi for immunity, respiratory health, skin and heart health, good digestion and holistic goodness. It is time to ensure water keeps you healthy. Ayurveda and Patanjali will assist in this.   

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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