Cancer is a serious disease, causing millions of people to die every year. This problem is increasing rapidly in the whole world including India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10 million (1 crore) people died of cancer in 2020.

Cancer can occur in any organ and gradually affect the entire body. Therefore, it is very important to detect and prevent it on time.

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4 February. Its purpose is to make people aware of cancer and emphasize its prevention measures.

Do you know that the risk of cancer is not only related to genetic reasons, but also with our lifestyle?

This World Cancer Day 2025, let’s know what changes we can reduce the risk of this fatal disease by bringing changes in our life.

1. Eat a balanced diet – Make strong immunity with healthy food

What should we eat?

  • Fruits and green vegetables – The antioxidants present in them prevent cancer cells from forming.
  • Whole grains – Fiber -rich grains keep the body healthy.
  • Lean protein (fish, eggs, pulses, nuts) – The body’s immunity increases.

What not to eat?

  • More Chinese and Processed Food – This can increase the growth of cancer cells.
  • More fried and roasted food-it can increase the body swelling and obesity.
  • Red meat and excessive salt – Stomach and colon can increase the risk of cancer.

Cancer risk from healthy diet can be reduced by 30–40%.

2. Exercise daily – adopt active lifestyle

Be fit, avoid cancer!

  • Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
  • Activities like walking, cycling, yoga and gym keep the body active.
  • Exercise helps in weight control and hormone balance.

According to research, physically active people can reduce the risk of cancer by 20–25%.

3. Do regular health checkups – Life can avoid timely investigation

Due to early identification of cancer, its treatment becomes easier.

  • Get mammograms done to check breast cancer.
  • Get a pap smear test to avoid uterine cancer.
  • Get a colonoscopy test done to detect colon cancer.

Regular health checkups can be treated on time by catching early symptoms of cancer.

4. Smoking and distance away from alcohol – Quit smoking, save life

Tobacco and alcohol are the biggest cause of cancer.

  • Smoking increases the risk of lungs, throat and mouth cancer by 10 times.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol can increase the chances of liver, stomach and breast cancer.

Leaving tobacco can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 50%.

5. Avoid sunlight – protect yourself from skin cancer

Apply sunscreen, avoid harmful rays of the sun.

  • UV rays can become a major cause of skin cancer.
  • Avoid going in more sunlight from 10 am to 4 pm.
  • Apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or more) and wear protective clothes.

Protecting the sun from harmful rays can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 80%.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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