New Delhi, 07 December (Hindustan Reporter). Janata Dal United (JDU) national spokesperson Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Prasad said on Saturday that due to Posh-X, women’s confidence at the workplace has increased. Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Prasad addressed the 5th Annual Posh Conclave and Awards Ceremony of Pink and Blue, a leading organization providing training for implementation of Posh Act, prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace, raising awareness and creating safe, healthy and happy workplace. Said this while doing so.

Dr. Prasad, in his address after inaugurating the 5th Annual Posh Conclave and Awards Ceremony organized at the Prime Minister’s Museum in the national capital New Delhi as the chief guest, appealed to all political parties, central and state governments to make workplaces safe for women. To initiate arrangements to implement the POSH Act in all private and public sector establishments. During this, he honored posh trainers with awards.

CS Nesar Ahmed, the special guest on the occasion and former President of ICSI, urged women to speak up and said, “We must create spaces where women feel empowered to share their experiences. She said that together we can end the silence around sexual harassment. Ahmed gave detailed information on the relevance of this law. The program was presided over by Pink and Blue President Ritu Goyal, the program was conducted by General Secretary Avnish Srivastava and vote of thanks was given by Ms. Sunita Ranjan. JDU National Secretary Nisar Ahmed was also present on this occasion.

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 An Act to provide for protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and to provide for prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. I have come in. Under the current provision, if found guilty in a molestation case under section 354 of the Indian Penal Code, a maximum punishment of five years and a minimum of one year has been made and it has been made a non-bailable offence. The case is registered under Part-1.

It is noteworthy that Pink & Blue-Symbiotic Living, an initiative of the Chamber of Professionals (COP), has been organized and run for the last five years to prevent sexual harassment of women at workplace and raise awareness about POSH and create a safe, healthy and happy workplace. Has been doing it for. More than 100 lawyers, company secretaries, entrepreneurs and social workers participated in the event. For information about Pink and Blue-Symbiotic Living, you can contact [email protected].

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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