Taliban government bans nursing training for women: Since the entry of Taliban in Afghanistan, fatwas are being issued continuously against women. In this series, another rule has been implemented against women in Afghanistan. According to which now women of Afghanistan will not be able to work as nannies and study nursing. There were two last methods of punishing women in Afghanistan. But, the Taliban government has now closed these roads also.

afghanistan health crisis
Besides, the health crisis in Afghanistan is also increasing. The United Nations said that in 2023, Afghanistan still needs 18 thousand medicines to meet the needs of the country. Amidst all this, women working as nannies and in nursing training say they were ordered not to return to class in the morning, and their statements have been confirmed by Afghanistan’s nursing institutions. However, there has been no response yet from the health ministry of the Taliban government.


Organizations in Afghanistan say that the Taliban has instructed them to keep the institutions closed until further notice. The Taliban promised that the girls would be able to resume studies after ensuring the curriculum was Islamic. However, despite his promise, teenage girls have not been able to get education since 2021. The only way to get a little education was through nannying and nursing, which has now been discontinued. Furthermore, male doctors do not have the right to treat women unless a male guardian or husband is present with the woman.


Who is Taliban?

In Pashto language Taliban means student or disciple. It refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Taliban is an Islamic military organization with an estimated 200,000 fighters. It was driven out of Afghanistan by US-led forces in 2001. However, the group remained active and has now seized the presidency, demanding power in the country.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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