Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Crime Branch, on Saturday night, conducted raids at four spa centres across Bhopal, located in MP Nagar, Bag Sewania, and Kamla Nagar areas. During the operation, over three dozen people, including a number of women, were found in compromising situations within the cabins of these establishments.

The authorities detained all of them for questioning. The raids were carried out following instructions from Police Commissioner Harinarayanchari Mishra.

ACP of Crime Branch, Mukhtar Qureshi, confirmed that the raids took place simultaneously at various spa centres across the city. In addition to the four targeted centres, six others were also raided, but the owners managed to flee before the police arrived.

At a spa centre in Bag Sewania, a total of 21 women and 18 men were discovered, many in compromising positions. Similar situations were found at two spa centres in MP Nagar and one in Kamla Nagar.

Police teams seized objectionable materials, including various medicines and items used in illicit activities.

Among those detained, one woman is suspected to be a foreign national, though her identity has not been officially confirmed by the police. Authorities have stated that once the raids end, they will file cases against those arrested under relevant legal provisions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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