The Trombay police are hunting for a 40-year-old alcoholic, who allegedly killed his wife during an argument and fled. The couple with their two kids lived at Shivjyot Chawl near the Jyotiba Temple in Maharashtra Nagar, Mankhurd. Their marriage had been strained due to frequent domestic disputes.
According to the police, the accused, Amol Pawar, was unemployed and kept demanding money for alcohol from the victim, Rajshree, 30, said the police. When she refused, he used to assault her. During one such argument on the early morning of November 29, an enraged Pawar strangled Rajshree to death before fleeing.
The police suspect that Pawar, a native of Satara, may have fled to his hometown. Five teams have been dispatched to various locations within and outside Mumbai to nab him.