Malayalam star Nivin Paul has come under the scanner after a middle-aged woman accused him and five others of sexually assaulting her in Dubai. While an FIR has been filed against the actor, who is now crying foul, the victim told a local portal that the accused locked her up in a room without food and water for three days, and they even drugged her at one point.
The woman claimed that she first met Pauly and five others in Dubai, where they took Rs 3 lakh from her with the promise to take her to Europe. However, when she asked about her money, they stalled her, and later, she was introduced to one of the accused, producer AK Sunil, who said that he would get her a role in a film.
“When I went to a hotel for an interview, I was physically abused. They locked me in a room near theirs for three days without food or water, giving me only drug-laced water. They threatened to kill my husband and son. Nivin Pauly and his group forcibly took my phone, which is why they claim there is no evidence,” she said.
The complainant added that when she first approached the cops after the incident, she was told that she did not have evidence to support her claims. “I will continue with my complaint despite threats of being attacked by thugs,” she said.
Meanwhile, after Pauly was booked under sexual assault charges, the Premam actor stated that he has never even met the complainant, and added that it was a “conspiracy” against him.
He also said that he will take legal action and will go to any length to prove his innocence.