Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Police arrested a 35-year-old woman who used to steal antiques from temples and also recovered items worth Rs. 60k, Ayodhya Nagar police said here on Thursday.

Police station in-charge Mahesh Lilhare said that a woman burglar who resides at Bal Bihari colony, Piplani in the city was arrested by the police for being allegedly involved in stealing valuable items from a temple.

He further said that on November 28, a complaint was filed by Rohit Rajput that when he woke up and visited the Shiv temple located near Durga Square, he saw that a part of the Shivling (Jaldhari) was missing. It is made up of eight metals and its primary cost is Rs 60k.

He added that police got a tip-off that a woman is trying to sell the item and arrested her from 84-acre slum area at Chhola Mandir and recovered it from her.

During interrogation, she said that in the morning she used to go for worship in different temples and at night steal antiques from temples. The arrested woman is also accused of five different cases in three different police stations in the city.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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