Despite massive awareness campaigns from Railways about the hazards of crossing tracks, many people choose the deadly path to reach their destinations to save time. In an incident reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura, a woman who was crossing the tracks was run over by a train.

Luckily, the woman was alerted in time by people on the station platform and was able to save her life.

A video of the incident has surfaced online showing the woman lying on the tracks as the train ran over her.

According to reports, the incident took place on Monday morning around 11 am at Mathura Junction railway station.

A freight train was stationed at Platform 1, ready to depart for Agra. During this time, two women attempted to cross from Platform 2 to Platform 1 by trying to pass under the stationary freight train near the station’s parcel office.

As one of the women crawled under the freight train, it suddenly started moving, trapping her underneath.

As the train began moving forward, people at the station started screaming. Passengers and others standing on the platform kept shouting to try to stop the freight train from moving forward, but to no avail.

Showing presence of mind, people then advised the woman to lie still between the tracks and not move. Though the freight train didn’t stop despite people’s screams, the woman, despite being in such a dire situation, remained calm and followed their instructions, lying motionless between the tracks.

Miraculously, the freight train passed over her without causing any harm, bringing immense relief to both the woman and the onlookers on the platform.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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