Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A woman’s attempt to keep her husband under control by pretending that she possesses supernatural powers has backfired. Her hubby has filed for divorce at the Bhopal District Family Court, claiming that she has not allowed him to make physical relations with her even once in their three-year married life. 

The Bhopal-based man is 30 and the woman is 26. He works in a private firm whereas she is a homemaker. Their marriage was an arranged one. The husband has filed a case seeking judicial separation from his wife under Section 13s(A) of the Hindu Marriage Act. 

In his divorce plea the man has claimed that the his wife has been indulging in ‘Tantric rituals’ from day one of their marriage. She spent long hours performing puja. He has also said that whenever he tried to come close to her, she started behaving strangely. “Who are you? Why are you coming close to me? Don’t touch me, otherwise you will suffer,” the man said quoting his wife. 

The result was he could not make sexual relations with her even once. The man also claims that his wife keeps things used in Tantric rites in their bed. Fed up with such weird behavior by his wife, the man left her to her parents’ home. 

According to Sindhu Dholpure, a counselor at the Family Court, who is handling the case, the woman now says that whatever she did was just a joke and that she wanted her husband to fear her. “If he believed that I possessed some supernatural powers, he would not harass me and remain under my control,” the woman told the counselor. 

After receiving divorce notice from the court, the woman came back to her husband’s place, saying that she wants to live with her. The man, however, is not willing to compromise. He has been living with his friends since the woman’s return to their home, Dholpure says.   

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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