entIndore (Madhya Pradesh): A woman created a ruckus at Indore’s Khajrana Ganesh temple on Wednesday morning, as she held a policeman by his collar. She further attacked the security guards of the temple.
It all began when a temple staff caught the accused woman trying to lure a guard’s children in attempt to abduct them.
When the staff intercepted her, she started thrashing him and harassed the male guard and created ruckus in the premises. Several devotees and onlookers tried to pacify the woman. Later, the woman was escorted out of the temple by female guards.
The entire incident was captured on the CCTV cameras. The video shows the lady in red saree holding the policeman’s collar and assaulting the security staff as the devotees watch in shock!
Watch the video here:-
According to information, at around 12 on Wednesday afternoon, a woman tried to lure two children of a guard named Ajay from the garden of the Khajrana Ganesh Temple in Indore, in attempt to abduct them. When a cop tried to intercept, the woman grabbed his collar and started harassing him.
Seeing this, another male guard tried to intervene and pacify the woman, she started hurling abuses at him. She also hurled abuses as a female security guard rushed to pacify the situation. Several devotees tried to mitigate and stop the ruckus, but in vain. Upon arrival, a police officer was also subjected to the woman’s misconduct.