For the first time in the 29 year history of the Grovers Interclub Tournament, Willingdon Sports Club successfully defended their title.
The event was held on February 8 and 9.
Under the leadership of last year’s winning Team Captain Rahul Goyal, WSC retained the title for the first time ever. The remarkable aspect is that this year WSC’s Team handicap average was the lowest across all teams and lowest ever in the history of the tournament.
Team Willingdon went in with six debutantes this year. A special mention to 12-year-old Priaan Kantawala who won both his matches and came home with 4.5 points along with his partner and veteran golfer Jamsheed Mehta. They both got the most points for any golfer in the tournament, and Priaan walked away with the “Most Valuable Player” (MVP) prize presented to him by Team Captain Rahul Goyal.
Our other young debutante Hrishi Munim was thrown into an ocean on his debut. He played Singles against our toughest opponents- BPGC. Hrishi fought like a true warrior and ended up halving his singles match on Day 1, and came back out on Day 2 to destroy his opponents by the 15th hole in partnership with Rohit Poddar.
A special mention goes out to ex-Captain Akshay Kilachand for his dedication to the team by caddying for Rohit Poddar on both days.
Team Willingdon lifted back to back trophies for the first time since the inception of the tournament, with the support of golf captain Riaz Batlivala.