Donald Trump: US President Donald Trump has once again talked about mutual tariffs. Meanwhile, he hoped that India would reduce tariffs. In an interview, Trump said that our relations with India are good, but one of the problems with India is that it is one of the most tariffs in the world. I believe that tariffs will be reduced gradually, but from April 2 we are going to impose mutual tariffs.

Let us tell you that earlier, Trump had described India as a tariff king and said that India puts heavy tariffs very unfairly. You cannot sell anything in India. However, India is now thinking about reducing tariffs.


Interpersonal tariff will be implemented from April 2

Donald Trump had earlier stated that from April 2, the United States would impose similar tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on the United States, nor less, nor more. Our plan was to implement mutual tariffs from 1 April, but I do not want it to be connected to April Fool’s Day. If you do not manufacture in the US, you have to pay the tariff, and in some cases too much tariffs will apply. Other countries have been putting tariffs against us for decades and now it is our turn.

At the same time, Trump showed his strictness and said that if this country puts a non-monetary tariff to keep us out of the market, then we will do the same to keep them out of our market. These measures will help in increasing the production of billions of dollars and will also increase employment.


What is mutual tariff?

The mutual tariff is a tax that is imposed on the goods imported by one country from another. That is, whatever country will impose tariffs on American goods, America will also put the same tariff on the goods of that country. Trump also said about the mutual tariff during his presidential campaign, “A second tariff for a tariff, exactly the same price.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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