Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8 is currently moving towards the finale. Now only 8 people are left in this show whose names are Muthukumaran, Arun Prasad, Vishal, Deepak, Ryan, Pavitra, Jacqueline and Selandriya. Out of these, Ryan won the Ticket to Finale task and directly entered the finale. The remaining 7 contestants are nominated for eviction this week. Meanwhile, Bigg Boss has given a little twist.


contestants of bigg boss tamil season 8

According to this, Bigg Boss has announced that 8 contestants who were eliminated from the house are going to re-enter. The current Top 8 contestants are in confusion as it is announced that the re-entrants will be considered as wild card contestants and have a chance to swap two of the 8 contestants inside. The details of the contestants have also been released.


Wild card entry in Bigg Boss

According to this, the contestants who were evicted in the first 8 weeks of the Bigg Boss show are going to go back inside the house. Thus, Ravinder Chandrashekhar, Arnav, Darshan Gupta, Sunita, Rhea Thiagarajan, Varshini Venkat, Shivakumar, Sachana are the 8 people who are going to go back to the Bigg Boss house as wild card entries. There has been a twist in the game with his arrival. There is also hope as to who they are going to eliminate.


Arnav’s re-entry in Bigg Boss

The top 8 contestants in Bigg Boss have decided to eliminate Arnav from the wild card contestants who are currently coming. Because till the time Arnav was in this house he pretended to be a good boy and while leaving the show he called his fellow contestants Jalraas on the stage. That’s why the top 8 contestants are saying that he is their first target.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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