Dismissing a petition filed by a woman from Anekal, Bengaluru, Justice Rajendra Badami of the Karnataka High Court held that a wife who was already employed was legally bound to make some effort to meet the expenses of her livelihood. and she is entitled to only subsidiary maintenance from him. Husband. may demand The woman and her 11-year-old son approached the magistrate’s court in 2014 seeking maintenance by filing a petition under Section 12 of the Protection against Domestic Violence Act. The court directed the husband of the woman, who runs a provision store, to pay maintenance of Rs 10,000 per month to his wife and Rs 5,000 per month to his minor son. Apart from this, the woman was also directed to pay a compensation of Rs 3 lakh for mental agony. After which the husband filed an application in the sessions court. The sessions court reduced the amount of maintenance to the woman to five thousand and the compensation amount to two lakh.
Rahul Dev
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