Actress-turned-MP Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ based on the life of Indira Gandhi has been stuck due to the censor board not giving permission for its release. The name Emergency suggests that it is a film based on the Emergency imposed in 1975, but in reality it is a film based on Indira’s life. Sikh org.zations have objected to the coverage of Punjab terrorism and Indira Gandhi’s assassination due to it in the film.

Sikh org.zations say that the history of Sikhs has been distorted in the film Emergency and Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale has been portrayed as demanding partition of India and Khalistan. Many org.zations including Shirom. Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) have openly threatened that if all this is not removed from the film, the film will not be released. Due to this, the censor board did not give permission on the suggestion of the central Narendra Modi government. Emergency was earlier scheduled to be released on September 6, but now it is not known when it will be released.

Kangana has not only played the role of Indira in Emergency, she has also directed the film herself and is also its producer. If the film is not released, it will cause a big financial setback, so Kangana is also angry with the censor board and the government. According to Kangana, as per the laws of this country, OTT platforms can show uncontrolled violence and nudity without any censorship or worry about the consequences, distorting real-life events to express politically motivated malice.

Communists and leftists across the world have full freedom to nurture such anti-national activities but no OTT allows a film on the subject of unity and integrity of India. As a nationalist, I feel that censorship is only for people like us who want no part of this country and make films based on historical facts. This situation is unfair and disappointing.

I don’t know what about Sikh history is shown in emergency so it is not appropriate to comment on it but the claim that Bhindranwale did not want to divide India is technically correct but factually completely wrong. Sikh leaders including Bhindranwale did not want Khalistan to be a separate country from India but an autonomous state for Sikhs governed according to the principles of Sikhism. A state which runs according to the principles of a particular religion instead of the constitution or law of India is called a separate nation from India, so the demand for Khalistan is against the principles of unity and integrity of India.

The demand for a separate state for Sikhs dates back to the demand for Pakistan before independence. In 1940, Dr. Veer Singh Bhatti first put forward the idea of ​​Khalistan. The rich and powerful class of Sikhs liked this idea, so gradually this idea grew.

After Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister in 1966, Punjab was divided into three parts and a separate Punjab was created for the Sikhs. The Hindu areas of Punjab were separated to form Haryana and some areas were merged into Himachal Pradesh.

Indira gave the state to the Sikhs, so Congress won the Punjab elections in 1972. The defeated Shirom. Akali Dal raised the issue of ‘Khalistan’ for political survival. On the suggestion of the Akali Dal, a decision was taken in 1973 at Anandpur Sahib, the holy place of the Sikhs, to give more autonomy to Punjab and recognize Sikhism as a religion separate from Hinduism.

Shirom. Akali Dal raised this issue for political gains. Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale was pitted against Indira. Bhindranwale was initially in favour of Indira but later joined the Akali Dal. Bhindranwale forced the Sikhs to take up arms and curbed terrorism. Bhindranwale took over the Golden Temple and set up camp.

Indira had sent the army to the Golden Temple in 1982 because there was a connection of terrorism with a holy place like the Golden Temple. Bhindranwale ran away on seeing the army but after the army left, he again captured the Golden Temple. After that, cruel terrorism started at the behest of Bhindranwale. Finally, in June 1984, Indira again sent the army to the Golden Temple and settled Bhindranwale.

Bhindranwale was killed in Operation Blue Star but the army was sent to the Golden Temple, which angered Sikh youth and led to terrorism which also led to Indira’s assassination. Two Sikh bodyguards named Satwant Singh and Biyant Singh assassinated Indira Gandhi.

Despite showing all this in Kangana’s film, if the censor board does not allow the film to be released, then it is called injustice, but the question is who is doing this injustice? Who is Kangana complaining about? There is a BJP government at the center and Kangana is a BJP MP, but if Kangana’s film has not been approved by the censor board, then it means that the Modi government does not want the film to be released in the form in which it is now. It is clear that the Modi government does not want to anger the Sikhs, so it wants cuts in the film.

Kangana says that her film is based on historical facts revolving around the unity and integrity of the country, but the Modi government does not recognize these historical facts. She alleged that Kangana is stifling freedom of expression. Her own government is doing this. In such a situation, talking about leftists or communists is ridiculous.

Kangana’s public protest means that she has tried to get a censor certificate for the film by appearing before the government herself, but no one in the government is listening to her. In such a situation, Kangana’s last resort is to go to the High Court. Kangana should go to the High Court instead of committing another fraud. It remains to be seen whether Kangana, who calls herself fearless, shows such courage or not.

Modi government also shut down Udta Punjab, Anurag got approval from the High Court

Films getting stuck in the censor board is not a new thing. It has happened earlier also that the censor board has not given approval against many films and the films have been released after getting approval from the High Court.

Udta Punjab is the best example of this. On the orders of the Narendra Modi government, the censor board ordered director Anurag Kashyap to make 94 cuts in the film Udta Punjab and declared 13 points anti-Punjab.

The then chairman of the censor board, Pahlaj Nihal., had also ordered not to mention the names of cities of Punjab in the film.

Pahlaj Nihal. has claimed that he has heard that Udta Punjab film’s producer Anurag Kashyap has taken huge money from Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party to portray Punjab in a bad light.

At that time, Punjab was ruled by BJP and Akali Dal. Assembly elections were held in Punjab in March 2017. Considering the image of Punjab as a hub of drug abuse, no one would vote for Akali Dal-BJP, so Akali Dal tried to stop the film through the censor board.

Instead of making cuts in the film, Kashyap decided to approach the Bombay High Court. The High Court allowed the film to be released, ordering only one cut and clarification.

This controversy went on for a long time, the film was leaked online, so the film did not get a big success but it earned Rs 100 crore. Kangana also has the option of going to the High Court and getting the film approved.

Kang becomes a headache for BJP, controversy after controversy after becoming an MP!

BJP had made Kangana Ranaut an MP for the Lok Sabha elections but Kangana has become a headache for BJP. It has not been even two months since Kangana became an MP that she has shocked BJP by creating controversy. Kangana had earlier shown her petty mentality by accusing Rahul Gandhi of being drunk and taking drugs. After this, a new controversy arose due to the slapping incident at the airport. Then she made an absurd statement that murders and rapes have taken place in the farmers’ movement. BJP had to warn Kangana not to talk on policy matters and not to create controversy.

Even after this, Kangana is in trouble and now she is sitting idle against her own government in the matter of censor certificate. Due to all this, Kangana is being compared to Sadhvi Pragya. Sadhvi Pragya was given ticket by BJP twice, whereas Kangana does not seem to be getting a ticket even after five years.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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