Diabetes is like a silent killer, which gradually makes the human body hollow. However, most people consider diabetes to be limited by eating only sweet, but it not only snatches sweetness from life, but also has many other health problems associated with it, which affect the quality of life.

Shoulder pain is a problem related to diabetes that is often ignored, but it is very common. Dr. Sudhir Kumar, a consultant neurologist at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, has shared information about this on the social media platform X, which can prove to be very helpful for you.

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Why does there pain in shoulder?

Experts reported that shoulder pain in diabetics is usually caused by adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), which is a common condition. In addition, people who are paralyzed after stroke may also have shoulder pain. Dr. Kumar said that physiotherapy and OTC anti-inflammatory drugs can help in dealing with this problem. However, if the pain persists, the doctor should be consulted.

Relationship between diabetes and shoulder pain

Speaking to a media institute, Dr. Shubham Vatsya, Senior Consultant at Fortis Hospital, said that diabetic patients have a common, but less identified problem musculoskeletal (muscle and bone related) problems, including shoulder pain.

Effect of high blood sugar muscles

According to Dr. Vatsya, high sugar causes glycation (a chemical process) of collagen or other structural protein present in connective tissue, which reduces the elasticity of the tissue and causes stiffness in the shoulder. This causes pain. In addition, muscle loss due to diabetes, called diabetic myopathy, puts more pressure, affecting the strength and mobility of the shoulder.

Treatment and prevention of shoulder pain

Dr. Vatsya has given some suggestions to treat shoulder pain. He says that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be taken to control the pain. If the pain is severe, corticosteroid injections can be given.

It is important to keep these things in mind that

If the blood sugar level in diabetes is constantly disturbed, then it can increase shoulder pain. Therefore, keeping sugar under control, proper hypoglycemic drug intake, physical activity and balanced diet is very important.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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