Agra’s daughter Shraddha Mishra has brought glory to her family and city by winning Zee TV’s reality show ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2024’. After tough competition, Shraddha won this season’s winning trophy and prize money of Rs 10 lakh. His journey was amazing, where he impressed the judges with his singing and his first song went viral after being recorded with Sachin-Jigar. After these successes, it was almost certain that he would win the show.

Who were in second and third place?

After winning the show, Shraddha said, “After every performance, the judges used to say that I can become the winner, but the competition was very tough, so I never thought that I would win.” Shraddha won this trophy by defeating Subhashree Debnath and Ujjwal Motiram Gajbhar. Subhashree won the first position and Ujjwal won the second position.

What will you do with the winning money?

When Shraddha was asked what she would do with Rs 10 lakh, she said, “I never knew there was any prize money for this show. “I want to build a studio and spend on my father’s treatment, as he has been unable to walk since he was a teenager.”

further plans

Shraddha Mishra further said, “I have already done playback singing and have also been nominated for an award along with Sunidhi Chauhan and Shreya Ghoshal. Now I am thinking of entering Bollywood. Playback singing was always my dream. I have contacted some people and am currently working with Sachin-Jigar sir. I did the movie shikara I have also sung a song for, and I have also been nominated along with Sunidhi Chauhan and Shreya Ghoshal. Now we have to see what happens next.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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