The remains of 28-year-old journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, previously reported missing, were discovered in a septic tank on a contractor’s land in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, on Friday, according to the police. A homicide case has been opened, and multiple suspects have been apprehended for interrogation. NDTV, referencing the Bijapur Police, stated that Mukesh’s corpse was found in a septic tank that had recently been sealed with concrete.

Mukesh was seen for the last time on the evening of January 1. His older sibling, Yukesh Chandrakar, a journalist for television, reported him missing to the police the next day. Using mobile tracking, authorities found Mukesh’s body on the land of contractor Suresh Chandrakar in Chattanpara Basti.

Yukesh’s grievance noted a recent piece Mukesh had covered, emphasizing supposed irregularities in building a road from Gangaloor to Nelasanar village. The report initiated an inquiry into the project, and Yukesh mentioned threats from three people, one being contractor Suresh Chandrakar.

Chief minister Vishnu Deo Sai expressed his condolences, saying, “The news of the murder of Bijapur’s young and dedicated journalist Mukesh Chandrakar ji is very sad and heartbreaking. Mukesh ji’s demise is an irreparable loss for journalism and society.”

He added, “The culprit will not be spared under any circumstances. I have given instructions to arrest the criminals as soon as possible and ensure the harshest punishment for them.”

A police statement released on Friday, referenced by The Hindu, indicated that the post-mortem report is still awaited. Bijapur’s superintendent of police, Jitendra Yadav, told the media that the area where the body was found served as accommodation for workers and a badminton court.

Nevertheless, he did not disclose information about any suspects or the reason behind the murder, mentioning that the inquiry is still in its initial phases.

Who Was Mukesh Chandrakar?

Mukesh Chandrakar was instrumental in facilitating the release of CRPF members taken captive by Maoists following a clash in Bijapur in 2021. The state police acknowledged his significant role in the rescue of CRPF commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhas. Mukesh thoroughly covered Naxal assaults, confrontations, and various concerns impacting Bastar.

With ten years of journalism experience, Mukesh served as a stringer for a leading national news network and managed a well-known YouTube channel, Bastar Junction, boasting over 159,000 subscribers.

His channel showcased videos covering different facets of the conflict between the State and the Maoists, while also addressing issues significant to the tribal community. Mukesh leveraged his vast connections to support fellow journalists from the state capital, Raipur, and nationwide in their reporting endeavors.

Journalists in Bastar have denounced his murder, stating that it highlights the everyday struggles encountered by reporters in the area.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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