Kabir Kabeezy Singh, the 39-year-old comedian known for his sharp wit and captivating stage presence, passed away. Kabir appeared on Comedy Central and Family Guy, and he gained widespread recognition as a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent Season 16.
According to several media reports, Kabir died in San Francisco on December 4, where local authorities have launched an investigation into his sudden passing. While natural causes have not been ruled out, insiders have reportedly revealed he had been grappling with ongoing health complications. A toxicology report is pending to determine the exact cause.
Who was Kabir Kabeezy Singh?
Kabir was a trailblazing comedian known for his sharp wit and relatable humour. A finalist on America’s Got Talent Season 16, Kabir captured the audience’s hearts with his confident stage presence and hilariously self-deprecating jokes.
Born to Indian immigrant parents, Kabir’s comedy often drew on his multicultural upbringing, blending anecdotes about family, relationships, and cultural clashes with impeccable comedic timing.
Before his breakthrough on AGT, Kabir had already established himself as a prominent figure in the comedy circuit, performing across the USA and earning accolades for his performances at major comedy festivals. His ability to connect with diverse audiences made him a sought-after performer, known for leaving his fans in stitches.
Kabir discovered his love for comedy at the age of nine when his family relocated to Mumbai. Teased for being the ‘American kid,’ he learned to navigate social dynamics by mastering three languages to communicate and entertain. At 13, Kabir returned to the USA.
One of the highlights of his career is sharing the stage with comedy giants like Dave Chappelle, Jo Koy, and Russell Peters. He regularly toured with stars such as Anjelah Johnson and Aries Spears.