On Sunday, December 29, Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar was found dead in a private hotel at Vanross Junction in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, where he had arrived on December 19 for the shooting of the television series Panchagni. The cause of his death is yet to be determined. According to several reports, Dileep did not step outside his room, prompting the hotel staff to enquire. After a foul smell emanated from the room, the staff barged in and found him dead.
The police source quoted by the New Indian Express stated, “There are no signs of foul play at this stage. The exact cause of death will be ascertained after the post-mortem.”
Manoj, the director of the show, confirmed tat Dileep was suffering from some health-related issues, but nothing has been clarified yet. He also revealed that the actor was on a two-day break during the shooting, and his colleagues made multiple attempts to reach him, but he did not respond.
Who was Dileep Shankar?
Dileep Shankar was well-known for his roles in popular Malayalam television serials, including Sundari and Panchagni, among others. He rose to fame for his portrayal of Peter’s character in Ammayariyathe.
The late actor was also a part of movies like Chaappa Kurish in 2011 and North 24 in 2013, both of which featured Fahadh Faasil in the lead.
While not much information is revealed about his personal life, according to his Instagram handle, Dileep Shankar was married to a woman named Suma Dileep. The couple also have two children, Dhruva Dileep and Deva Dileep.
The actor was quite an active social media user, where he would often share photos and funny reels with his children. He had a following of 27k on his Instagram handle.