Saif Ali Khan Knife Attack: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3.30 am on Thursday after a thief entered his house and attacked him with a knife. During this incident, there was a clash between actor Saif and the thief. According to sources, after the attack, Saif’s elder son Ibrahim, a security guard and his driver took him to the hospital.
The accused had come to meet the maid
Mumbai’s Joint CP Law and Order confirmed the incident and said that Saif was taken to Lilavati for treatment after the incident. After this, the help of CCTV is being taken to investigate the accused. Police claim that the accused might have come to meet the maid working in Saif’s house. The accused tried to attack the maid.
7 teams were formed to investigate this attack
Mumbai Police has formed 7 teams to investigate the attack. Police are searching CCTV footage and are also interrogating Saif’s domestic help. Doctors have confirmed that Saif’s body was attacked with chopsticks six times. In which two injuries are quite deep. Saif’s team issued a statement saying, ‘An attempt was made to steal at Saif Ali Khan’s house. His surgery is going on in the hospital. We have requested the media and fans to be patient. This is a police matter.
Suspicion on maid, police will take statement
Police are currently recording the statements of three Saif staffers. Police suspects Saif’s maid. Therefore, first the maid will be treated and then her statement will be taken. According to sources, the attacker first attacked the maid. There was a fight between the two. Hearing both of them, Saif Ali Khan came out of his room and tried to catch them, but he was attacked six times.