One of the biggest rappers in India, Bilal Shaikh, popularly known as Emiway Bantai, took the internet by storm as he announced his wedding with model-actress Swaalina on Thursday. Congratulatory wishes poured in for the couple as the two shared their photos.
In the late hours of Thursday, Emiway took to his Instagram handle to share a slew of photos in which both Swaalina and he can be seen dressed in ornate wedding outfits. The two twinned in violet outfits and flashed their brightest smiles at the camera. A photo even shows Emiway putting a garland around Swaalina.
“Alhamdulillah,” Emiway wrote as he shared photos of his wedding with Swaalini on Instagram.
Who is Swaalini?
Swaalini was first seen with Emiway Bantai in his music video, Kudi. Born in Finland in 1995, her real name is reportedly Halina Kuchey. She is a professional model and actress who has been a part of several Hindi and Punjabi music videos.
In 2017, she appeared in the Hindi song, Ik Kahani, and in 2018, she featured in the Punjabi song, Prada.
In January this year, she starred in the song, Nasha, which was produced by Emiway’s label.
About Emiway Bantai
Emiway Bantai is considered as one of the pioneers of the hiphop culture in India. Known for his raps based on the themes of freedom, friendship and social issues, Emiway shot to fame with his 2014 track, Aur Bantai.
It was followed by tracks like Machayenge and Khatam, which went on to become a rage not just in Indua, but even overseas.
According to several reports, Emiway’s net worth is currently poised at Rs 60 crore, making him one of the richest rappers in the country.