Stand-up comedian Samay Raina’s popular YouTube show, India’s Got Latent, has received widespread acclaim in India. However, its recent episode featuring special guests Bharti Singh, her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa, and singer Tony Kakkar has faced criticism from netizens. The backlash centres around a segment involving a contestant named Priyanka Halder and her ‘costume cutter’ friend Mohammad Adil.

In the segment, Priyanka, dressed in a red bodycon dress, is seen having her dress ripped by Adil, who was trying to transform her outfit into a cut-out dress. However, things took a turn when she revealed that she is married with a 15-year-old son. Priyanka’s act drew criticism from netizens, sparking a debate about her performance.

Check out the video:

Soon after the clip went viral on social media, with netizens calling it “disgusting” and accusing Priyanka of “cheating” on her husband. Some even speculated that her segment was scripted and that her story about having a husband and child was fabricated just for the act.

Who is Priyanka Halder?

Priyanka Halder is an actress, who has allegedly been a part of bold movies. After her video from India’s Got Latent went viral, netizens took to the comments section and claimed that she is soft porn actress.

Priyanka has also starred in Ektaa Kapoor’s production house Alt Balaji’s adult web series Gandii Baat, and the crime-based show Crime World on Shemaroo TV.

She has also played a role in Crime Patrol Dial 100, crime based show hosted by Anoop Soni.

Currently, she is filming for the fourth season of Utha Patak, which is also an Alt Balaji show.

Priyanka has built a strong social media presence with 12.8K followers on her Instagram account.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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