Mumbai: Devendra Fadnavis was sworn in as Chief Minister on Thursday. An Ace Bureaucrat, previously worked at the PMO, IAS Dr Shrikar Pardeshi was appointed as the secretary of CM Fadnavis. Known for his integrity and efficiency, Dr Pardeshi has earned the reputation of being a ‘Bulldozer’ and ‘Demolition’ man for his uncompromising stance on unauthorised construction during his tenure as Commissioner of the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation.
Who Is Dr Shrikar Pardeshi?
Hailing from Pune, Dr Pardeshi is a 2001-batch IAS officer celebrated for his honesty and dutifulness. His career has been marked by notable achievements and challenging assignments. While serving as Commissioner of Pimpri Chinchwad, he oversaw the demolition of 487 illegal buildings, terminated 209 unauthorised water connections and facilitated the arrest of 300 criminal elements and mafia leaders, making it a particularly tough period for illegal operations in the area.
Return To Maharashtra After 6 Years In PMO
In 2015, he was deputed to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) as Deputy Secretary, where his administrative acumen gained further recognition. After six years at the PMO, Dr Pardeshi returned to Maharashtra in June 2021 and took charge as the Managing Director of SICOM. Following a year of training abroad, he was directly appointed as Secretary to then Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in 2022.
Dr Pardeshi has held key positions in his career, including District Collector of Nanded, Commissioner of Pimpri Chinchwad and Inspector General of Registration and Controller of Stamp. His record demonstrates a commitment to transparency and decisive action against corruption and illegal activities.
As Secretary to Chief Minister Fadnavis, Dr Pardeshi brings a wealth of experience and a reputation for excellence to the role. His track record of implementing tough measures and ensuring accountability is expected to strengthen the CM’s office and contribute to effective governance.