Aliya Fakhri, sister of Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri, has been arrested on charges of allegedly murdering her ex-boyfriend and his friend by setting fire to a two-story garage in Queens, New York. Aliya has been remanded in custody, with her next court appearance scheduled for December 9.

Aliya allegedly killed her ex-boyfriend, Edward Jacobs, 35, and his female friend, Anastasia ‘Star’ Ettienne, who was 33-year-old. If media reports are to be believed, Aliya set the garage on fire in a fit of jealousy. The victims tragically died from smoke inhalation and thermal injuries.

Who is Aliya Fakhri?

Aliya is Nargis’ younger sister. She is 43 years old. Aliya lives in New York.

Reportedly, Aliya and Nargis’ father, Mohammed Fakhri, was of Pakistani descent, while their mother, Marie Fakhri, is of Czech origin. The sisters experienced their parents’ divorce during childhood, and tragically, their father passed away shortly afterward.

According to Aliya’s mother, her daughter struggled with opioid addiction following a dental mishap, a factor she believes may have contributed to Aliya’s behavior, as reported by news portals.

Defending Aliya, she also reportedly stated, “I don’t think she would be killing someone. She was a person who was caring for everybody. She tried to help everybody.”

On the other hand, Jacobs mother revealed that him and Aliya had parted away a year back, but she continued to pursue him. Further, she reportedly said that Jacobs was a plumber who was working on a property to convert the garage into an apartment.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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