Nadia, July 07 (His). In Phulia area under Shantipur police station of Nadia district, a sensation spread in the area on Friday morning in front of BJP’s local Mandal President and Panchayat Samiti candidate Chanchal Chakraborty’s white cloth thang, Geeta, sweets and incense sticks were found. The BJP candidate claims that Trinamool Congress people did this to terrorize his family. Chanchal Chakraborty alleged that the ruling party is trying to show that I may be killed. I have been threatened many times in the past as well but I have been doing politics since my student days. I am not cowed by these threats. Although Chanchal’s family is scared of this incident. Chanchal told that he has informed the police about the whole matter.
Chanchal Chakraborty’s mother Meera Chakraborty told that some women of the area were calling me on Friday morning. When I went outside the gate of my house, I saw that white cloth, Gita, sweets and incense sticks were lying there. Trinamool Congress people have done this because my son is in BJP and contesting elections.
On the other hand, Trinamool Panchayat Samiti candidate Utpal Basak has denied the involvement of Trinamool Congress in the incident. He said that we do politics under the leadership of Mamta Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee. Trinamool has nothing to do with this incident.